Qingdao Hongtai Copper Tube Co.,Ltd.
Tel: +86 0532-87318665
E-mail: sales@hongtai-copper.com
Address: No. 101, Guiyang Road , Pingdu, Qingdao, China
R410A refrigerant copper tube, as an indispensable and important component in modern air-conditioning systems, plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient and stable operation of air-conditioning systems with its unique advantages.
On December 29, more than 300 Hongtai dealers, suppliers and outstanding customers from all over the country went to Pingdu, Qingdao to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of Hongtai Copper.
Hongtai copper water pipe heating application example.
Save time, labor and materials.
At this exhibition, Hongtai exhibited a full range of medical products.
为了推进企业文化建设,落实“信为本--凝聚正能量,忠心献企业”的诚德月主题教育,11月份,人力资源部组织开展一系列企业文化培训活动,旨在让宏泰员工学习、践行并弘扬老一辈宏泰人留下的优秀文化。 2021年11月6日-8日,由总经理和人力资源部部长分三场为员工进行《宏泰经营之道》的主题培训。作为引领宏泰发展的核心文化,《宏泰经营之道》在宏泰的发展中一直发挥着主导作用,它是宏泰发展的人文力量,是宏泰特色的精神财富,为宏泰员工建立了共同的价值观、使命感和责任感。为体现其核心理念,突出诚德月主题,培训中,总经理亲自带头签订了《宏泰诚信协议》,推动宏泰诚信体系建设,同时为“信用平度”建设年贡献企业力量。