Qingdao Hongtai Copper Tube Co.,Ltd.
Tel: +86 0532-87318665
E-mail: sales@hongtai-copper.com
Address: No. 101, Guiyang Road , Pingdu, Qingdao, China
R410A refrigerant copper tube, as an indispensable and important component in modern air-conditioning systems, plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient and stable operation of air-conditioning systems with its unique advantages.
On December 29, more than 300 Hongtai dealers, suppliers and outstanding customers from all over the country went to Pingdu, Qingdao to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of Hongtai Copper.
Hongtai copper water pipe heating application example.
Save time, labor and materials.
At this exhibition, Hongtai exhibited a full range of medical products.
5月22日上午,中国供热展——中国国际供热通风空调、卫浴及舒适家居系统展览会(ISH China & CIHE)在北京新国展隆重开幕。本次供热展以“绿色采暖,舒适生活”为主题,多元、智能、绿色技术荟萃,覆盖暖通、建筑给排水、智能控制、舒适家居等多个建筑类产品主题,吸引了荟萃 1,300 行业翘楚。在22日-24日展出期间,预计约有 65,000 名专业观众前来参观。