Qingdao Hongtai Copper Tube Co.,Ltd.

News Information

Advantages of R410A Refrigerant Copper Tube
Advantages of R410A Refrigerant Copper Tube

R410A refrigerant copper tube, as an indispensable and important component in modern air-conditioning systems, plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient and stable operation of air-conditioning systems with its unique advantages.

2024-08-03 More
Focus on copper pipes for 30 years
Focus on copper pipes for 30 years

Focus on copper pipes for 30 years

2023-07-15 More
congratulations | Hongtai Copper’s 30th anniversary celebration was a complete success
congratulations | Hongtai Copper’s 30th anniversary celebration was a complete success

On December 29, more than 300 Hongtai dealers, suppliers and outstanding customers from all over the country went to Pingdu, Qingdao to participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of Hongtai Copper.

2024-01-31 More
Hongtai copper water pipe heating system,warm and efficient, energy saving first
Hongtai copper water pipe heating system,warm and efficient, energy saving first

Hongtai copper water pipe heating application example.

2024-12-25 More
Exhibition Report | Hongtai Copper Tube debuted at the National Hospital Construction Conference
Exhibition Report | Hongtai Copper Tube debuted at the National Hospital Construction Conference

At this exhibition, Hongtai exhibited a full range of medical products.

2024-06-07 More
  • 2018招聘启事




  • 2018中国制冷展邀请函

    2018 年“中国制冷展”报名参展单位超过 1400 家,将有来自全球 30 多个国家和地区的行业相关企业和机构参与展览,汇聚了全球制冷暖通空调行业的所有知名品牌,其中包括美国、欧洲、韩国、印度的国家展团,预计将有近 6万 名来自于全球 100多 个国家和地区的专业观众和用户前来参观洽谈。



  • 宏泰质量月 | 落地自检互检专检 勇于创新敢于担当




+86 0532-87318665

