
Hongtai Coil Copper Tube Management's dual activities are now open!



Hongtai Copper Tube has launched a new promotion again! This time it is small coil copper tube!

From May 28th to June 30th, Hongtai's small coil copper tube super value [full-discount promotion] and [scan code to receive red envelope discount promotion] will be launched simultaneously. During this period, all small coil copper tubes within the scope of the activity rules can participate. Time is limited, don't miss it!

In order to cooperate with the "full-discount" and "scan code to get red envelope" promotions of the Hongtai LWC copper tube, Hongtai also launched a double discount for small coil copper tube, which really benefits the end users. The strength is unprecedented and the opportunity cannot be missed! " LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube on the jade tray", the activities are continuous and the discounts are endless! It is the best purchasing season for  LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube, GO together in May and June!

1. "Scan the Code to receive Red Envelopes" Promotion

Before June 30, 2024, all end users of Hongtai LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube, after purchasing Hongtai/Perfect line LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube products, can receive cash red envelopes of varying amounts by scanning the product QR code in the lower right corner of the product certificate through the "Red Envelope Activity" scanning interface at the bottom of the official account of HongtaiTongGuanJia, with a winning rate of 100%.

2. “Discounts for Purchases Over a Certain Amount”Promotion

Before June 30, 2024, all dealers who order Hongtai LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube can enjoy super value discounts as long as the order exceeds two tons. For details of the end-user discounts, please consult the local dealer.

In order to cooperate with the "full-discount" and "scan code to get red envelope" promotions of the Hongtai LWC copper tube, Hongtai also launched a double discount for small coil copper tube, which really benefits the end users. The strength is unprecedented and the opportunity cannot be missed! " LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube on the jade tray", the activities are continuous and the discounts are endless! It is the best purchasing season for  LWC copper tube and small coil copper tube, GO together in May and June!

+86 0532-87318665